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Source rock, extract and liquid geochemistry interpretation can be undertaken by Source Geoscience, as a stand alone project or as a first step in a complete Petroleum Systems Analysis. Source Geoscience can help to design the most beneficial program of analyses in conjunction with the lab of choice, and provide a detailed interpretation report and/or presentation. 

1D models of existing and/or 'pseudo' wells can be created and used to quickly estimate burial history, source rock maturity and expulsion at single locations in an area of interest. Source Geoscience can provide well data based models which incorporate a range of possible source rocks, as a first pass screening tool in frontier basins, or as a component of a full Petroleum Systems Analysis. 

1D Modelling
Map Based/3D Modelling

Source Geoscience can create a map based petroleum systems model when 2D and/or 3D seismic interpretation is available. This will include a source rock model based on existing or new geochemistry interpretation and input from 1D models. A 'bottom up' or 'top down' approach will be determined based on the maturity of the basin; modelled outputs can include source maturity, expulsion phase and volume, predicted API and GOR, timing of expulsion and retained hydrocarbon phase and volume for unconventional 'sweet spot' determination.

Source Geoscience can also create a charge risk index map for use in prospect and lead risk analysis.

"All models are wrong, some are useful" - George Box
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